Monday, September 29, 2014

NY Day 2 - walking and street food!

We started the day with a little game recap!
 Then headed out to explore.  First up…street food!
 It was delish!
Our hotel was right on Times Square, which was pretty awesome!

We decided to walk to the Museum of Natural History and it was so much fun!
 We strolled a little way into Central Park.  The weather was gorgeous!

 We enjoyed wandering around the museum and even had lunch there…but I have no idea where all the pics are?!
 After getting our museum fill we headed out to call the girls on the front steps.  

Then we made our way to Serendipity…yum!
 Cute, cute, cute and oh so tiny!  We had to wait awhile to get in…but I think it was worth it!

so yummy!
frozen hot chocolate…so so worth the wait!
We decided to walk some of that off with a stroll around Times Square...

A super fun day with my love!

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