Monday, September 29, 2014

NY Day 1…all about those Yanks!

Our whole NY trip was planned around Derek Jeter's very last at home game!  We started the morning with a tour of the new stadium.  Our first NY trip was to watch a game during the last season at the old stadium and we did a tour then…so we were excited to see the new place.  :)
Elevator selfie!
It was a cold wet day!!  JUST like the last time we were there for a game!  

Subway selfie is a must!  ;)
 We jumped off the Subway and walked for awhile before we realized we were going the wrong way.  Oops!  We kinda sped walked/ran to make it to the stadium!  Our tour had already left but they were nice enough to have someone take us to meet up with them.  :)

We made it!

 The tour was awesome!  We didn't get to see the locker room because it was game day…woohoo!

 After that we browsed in the gift shop for awhile we grabbed lunch at Hard Rock at the stadium and then headed back into Times Square for a little shopping before the game. 
Times Square selfie…check!
We headed back to the hotel to unload all of the girls Toys R Us goodies and then jumped back on the Subway to head back to the stadium!  This time was much easier!  ;)
 We quickly found our seats...

We walked up, showed them our tickets and they pulled up our seats in the box…pretty cool!

 It was still cold and wet…so we were super excited when they pulled the tarp off the field!  The entire night was honestly a little emotional.  Derek Jeter is such an amazing player/leader for the Yankees.  I can't even imagine watching a game without him!

 It was $90 cold for me and $100 cold for J!  lol!  Love our new Yankees gear though!  ;)

 Game time!
 They showed Jeter highlights the whole game too...

 and the Re2pect commercials...

 The most amazing thing was watching Jeter get his last up to bat and winning the game.  It was perfection!

 and I seriously don't think there was a dry eye watching him make his last trip around the bases...

 Of course we stayed to watch his post game interview.  Pretty much everyone did…no one wanted to leave!

Sadly though, all good things must come to an end.  We followed the crowd out and back to the subway.  It was an amazing night!

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