Monday, September 22, 2014

All about soccer...

Soccer is in full swing and our little soccer star is loving it…for the most part anyways!  She is on one of two all girl teams.  The rest are all boy teams!  She was kinda intimidated the first few games, but has really impressed us with not only holding her own but also improving so much.  The past few games she scored 1, then 8 (that was against the other girl team), then 2.  We love watching her play.  She has some good moves!  Plus, she is fantastic at defense!
Representing!  :)
her biggest cheerleader!
 We normally go out for a treat after the games…this cold day required a little warmth!

 This hot day required ice cream!  :)

 We practice two nights a week…so this is our view a lot!

Reese brings toys! 
 Some nights we hit up IHOP after practice for some yummy breakfast for dinner!

 These two hug and pick each other up constantly!  Silly girls!
 Brrr…it's cold but go Sky!

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