Wednesday, September 24, 2014

33 RAKs

33…wow!  No words for how I feel about being 33!  ha!  But the girls and I did have a blast brightening people's day all day long!  Jeremy was out of town.  :(  He had to be out of town for my birthday so that we could go to NY later in the week.  Pretty good trade off!  I got up early to do a little prep...
1 - 5 ~ 5 Itunes giftcards 
6 - treat bag for mail lady

7 - Redbox treats

8 - treats for neighbors

9 - donation for food pantry

9 and 10 - Ding Dong ditched treat
 Then my littles were up ready to go!
 We had time to do a few before taking Ryne to school…first up was a treat for our mail carrier.
 Then I let the girls pick 3 random houses to leave goodies on the front porch…they decided by who's decorations they liked the best!
sneaky Ryne!
 After that we stopped by a park to leave a little surprise for a couple sweet kiddos.
11 - bubble surprise!
 Then it was time for Ryne to go to school.  After drop off Reese and I hit Starbucks and paid for the car behind (12) and also picked up some gift cards.  I may have treated myself to a Pumpkin Spice Latte as well.  :)  We handed out treat bags with an iTunes gift card to the Starbucks worker.  She was surprised and happy!

Then we made a Target run to pick up some more supplies and left dollar bills in the $1 section (13).  After that we went to the PO to mail a few surprises to some sweet friends (14-18) then we hit the bakery.  We picked up three dozen mini cupcakes to take to Ryne's school (14)(I needed to talk to them about Ryne missing a week for DW and I little bribe seemed smart!  ha!) and the police department (15).

I let Reese have a little treat too!  ;)

 We passed out goody bags all over town!  5 had $10 iTunes gift cards and the rest just had a bunch of chocolate.  :)
 After the cupcake run and a little nap it was time to pick up Ryne!  We headed straight to a different park to be sneaky again.  :)
more bubble guns (17)
sand toys (18)
 We also tapped $ to the sidewalk for people to find!
19 and 20
 Next stop, Wal-Mart...
 We left lots of change around…21

 and some movie treats! (22)
 Then we headed to CEC!  We gave tokens away to a random child (23)…and then had lots of fun!
CEC on MY birthday definitely counts as a RAK right?!  lol!  I'm counting it!  (24)

We had such a fun day!  After CEC we went through McD's and I think the guy we paid told the others about goodie bag with gift card because we had all kids of people come to the next window to talk to us!  ha!

Some other fun RAKs that rounded out or list of 33 ~
25 - we donated to a friends marathon fund raiser
26 - we had Ryne's $25 meal credit at Crosby transferred to a random student
27 - we mailed a random military family a gift card to go out to dinner along with a thank you note
28 - sent a care package to someone
29 - donated books
30 - left activity books for possible bored children
31 - made blessing bags to pass out.
32 - took waters to construction workers
33 - we donated to buy Bibles through Compassion

Next year is 34 and we can't wait!

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