Tuesday, September 30, 2014

heading home...

We headed home on Sunday…tried, happy, and ready to see our girls!
goodbye NY!
 My super sweet hubby was cold so he stole MY sweater!  Not cool!  
 We were so happy to be home snuggled up with our girls!  They had a blast with Pops and GranJan, but I think they missed us a bit.  :)

NY was a blast!  I really think I would love to live there for like 6 months…then I would be ready for a slower lifestyle again!  ;)

Monday, September 29, 2014

NY Day 3…just call us NYers!

We started our day with an awesome little run around Central Park…so fun!

 We had to stop for a quick pic of the Boat House…this was one of the places in 27 Dresses.  :)

J took this cool pic while we were walking back to our hotel.  

 We came back to get cleaned up for the rest of our day.  Of course…that required a selfie while waiting on the elevator.  :)

Our hotel...

First up…a little show


We LOVED the show!  Must see for sure.

After the show we jumped on the Subway to head out to a temporary FRIENDS cafe!

We had a little walk to find the cafe and saw some cool buildings…no idea what they are!  ;)

 We were told the line was over 2 hours long and that they were closing in 2 hours so we might not make it in.  We were bummed...
 So we went across the street to discuss...
 then we decided to hop in line while we tried to figure out where to go next just to see how fast it moved...
 about 30 minutes later we were inside!
they had some cool stuff!

 We got to get some coffee from Central Perk
 it was good!
 But they were OUT of everything…that was a bummer because I really wanted a coffee mug.  :(

BUT we did get to sit on THE couch!

 We hung out for a bit with all the other Friend's fanatics...

Then we enjoyed the rest of our coffee on the go.  :)
 back to the subway to head back to Times Square...

 we enjoyed a little music...

Next up…we watched a movie...
 Then picked up a few more treats for the girls...

 We ended the night just taking in Times Square one last time…and the Disney Store...
loved the floating lanterns coming down the stairs at the Disney Store.  Pretty!