Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June fun...

June was filled with pool, playing at home, looking for a new home, cleaning out our current home, celebrating Reese turning 3, and just loving Summer!
Ryne wanted to work-out and watch a show!  lol!
 Shopping for new carpet since our lovely pup chewed through ours!  Oh the joy of dogs!
 Rainy day fun!
We really enjoyed the library this summer!  The girls loved checking out books!
 Ryne lost more teeth!
 Lots of pool time!  We had the best group to hang at the pool with!

 Yummy sweet frog...
 lots of inside games...
 some flower picking...
 After church movies...

 Ryne went to VBS for the very first time!  She LOVED it!  Reese was pouty that she didn't get to stay too!  :(
 We had some bad luck with Ryne's front two teeth.  One, the tooth fairy accidentally dropped it behind the bed during the switch and could never find it!  I'm thinking maybe a dog ate it?!  The other was lost by a sweet little sis who was trying to help.  Reese had put Ryne's tooth on her pillow and we didn't know and pulled off her pillows getting ready for bed.  The tooth disappeared!  Luckily the tooth fairy was understanding about the mishap!
 more movies!
 And my girls LOVE pushing their own shopping carts...
 Ryne helped me with my hair one day...
 lots of playtime snuggling...
 more shopping...

Ryne tried her hand at babysitting!
 she also played teacher…a lot!
 and even took a few naps!  I found her curled up in clean clothes that were on the bed waiting to be folded!
 Princesses in a Snack-e-cup…makes sense!
 Typical dinner without Daddy…:(
 The girls got to go on lots of Advo runs!  Ryne loves seeing Brian and Charla's picture on the wall of Diamonds!
and lots and lots of house hunting!  It paid off because we finally found the right house!
That about sums up or June!  July was filled with more fun and lots of house stuff!

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