Friday, July 18, 2014

Road trip with Daddy!

We got to tag along with Daddy while we worked in LR!  First stop was by our very first house!  It looks just the same!  It even still had the trampoline and swing set in the back.  
 Then we headed to check into the hotel...

 We hung out there for just a little bit before cleaning up to meet the Blacks for dinner.  The girls were loving the view!

turned my back and found her like this!
After cleaning up we were on our way back down!

Love these sweet sisters!

 We met the Blacks at Sr. Tequila…one of our favorite places EVER!  The kids had so much fun sitting at the "kid" table…and the grown ups enjoyed getting to visit in somewhat peace!  ;)
 After dinner we continued the party at their house.  We had such a good time visiting that I forgot to take pictures!  We have missed our friends and loved getting to hang out for the night!

The next day we started off with a yummy breakfast.

 Then we headed to meet friends at WonderPlace!  We had so much fun playing with some long lost friends!
Ryne, Reese, Mallory, and Adelyn
 It was a little sad though because Adelyn and Ryne use to be inseparable.  We saw them a couple times a week since they were babies...and then we moved.  They didn't really remember each other which was super sad.  It didn't take them long to pick right back up though!
before long Ella, Emma, and Anna Claire were there to play too!
 Group shot as we were walking out!  I love all these sweet girls and their mommas!
 After that fun playdate we were homeward bound…tired but happy!  :)

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