Tuesday, February 28, 2012

weekend with the McNabs!

The McNabs came up on Saturday to spend the weekend with us.  We were so excited...especially Ryne!  She asked "how much longer" about 97 times Saturday morning!  The girls had so much fun playing that I don't think any of them ate lunch!  The babes hung out together in the kitchen!
 And in the living room.  Myles was crawling everywhere!  At one point he crawled on Reese and she just patted him!  So cute and funny!
 We did some playing outside too.  It was nice but windy.  Reese is doing better in the wind though and didn't seem to mind it that much.

 We grilled out that night for dinner...hotdogs for the kids and steaks for the grown-up!  We planned on doing smores, but the kiddos got busy playing and before we knew it it was way past their bedtimes!  Once we got the kids settled in we built a fire and enjoyed sitting outside.  It was COLD though!  ha!
The next day was spent visiting, eating, playing, bike riding and then saying bye. 

We had such a fun weekend!  It was great to have time to really catch up instead of the normal hour visit here and there. 

a little of this and a little of that...

This is just a random collection of iphone pictures capturing some fun/cute moments from the past couple of weeks.  I should really try to take more "real" pictures of the girls and our day to day fun...but grabbing my phone is just so much easier!

Reese swinging away in church nursery!

Reese's first snow day!  I didn't realize I took a picture of her outside with my phone!
Life with a 4 year old is never boring.  We played for about an hour in the closet.  Ryne was in a suitcase, acting like it was a car, and we had the best time.  It's the little things people!

Reese enjoyed playing from her walker!

We met up with a bunch of friends for a playdate at Boingo Bounce.  Reese just loves watching the big kids run around.  I know she will be doing it before I know it.  :(

Ryne got a booster seat!  She loves it and feels like such a big girl now!  The buckle has taken some getting use to, but she can do it herself now!
Ryne is still loving gymnastics.  They are working on cartwheels.  I was doing them with her one night and she couldn't believe that I could do a cartwheel!  ha!

terrible quality...that's what I get for taking pictures on my phone from way far away!
 Ryne had her 3rd ever dentist appointment and she did pretty good.  She picked chocolate toothpaste though and apparently it tasted really gross because she had a hard time with that!  BUT she is still cavity free and they gave her major props for being such a good brusher!  Go Ryne!
Of course she wanted her picture by the razorback before we left the dentist.  Gotta love NWA!  lol!

Watch out for this one on the road!
We had fun playing at CFA.  Reese would just crack up anytime Ryne came down the slide!
 We have still been enjoying the pretty weather!  Reese tried out the jogging stroller for the first time!
 She ended up getting her socks off and sucking on her toes...so she was one happy girl!
Reese and I went to Hobby Lobby while Ryne was at KDO.  She had fun trying on some hats!  I adore this sweet little shopper!  Oh...and she rode in the buggy for the FIRST time ever!  I forgot our seat cover, so we had to make do with a blanket.
 We have been playing alot more in the backyard.  Reese is finally liking to move on her swing!  :)

I am looking forward to summer time though so we stop tracking in all the dead grass!

Ryne finds rocks for her rock collections on every single walk or bike ride.  Crazy girl!
That is what we have been up to according to my phone.  Since I normally have mommy brain...that is what I have to go on most of the time!  lol!

Hanging with Phoebe...

I let Reese hang out with some toys while I work out.  I can see her and talk to her while I am on the treadmill and she stays happy.  The other day she had a little extra entertainment though...Phoebe stopped by to say hi! 

Phoebe looks a little scared here!  ha!
Phoebe is such a good dog!  She is so sweet and patient with our girls...even though she has been manhandled on more than one occasion!  She is a great big "sister" to our human babies!  :)

Not much...

Just a few pictures.

I love how sweet and innocent she is posing!  ha!

laughing at big sis!

It seems like every picture of the girls ends up like this...Reese looking terrified!  ha!

Sneaky Star snuck a kiss!

Reese didn't mind!

Craft time!

Reese puts her legs on both sides of the walker and it cracks me up!  She loves to stand like that!  She has actually made it move recently...go Reese!  :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

New swimsuit...so that means swimming right?!

I did a little shopping at Old Navy and found a couple cute swimsuits for the girls.  Ryne wanted to try hers on and then asked about 6,352 times to fill up her pool and go swimming!  Ha!  She settled for doing flips off the chair instead.  :)

love this little monkey!

Notice her black eye?  We were doing super girl and such and she fell and landed on my elbow!  Poor girl got a shiner!  She is a tough cookie though and was wanting to play again within like 5 minutes.

I love this crazy, energetic, funny, and cute kid!