Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ryne's Cowgirl Party - Part 1...

I had so much fun planning Ryne's party!  She was so involved with the decorations and very into helping this year.  This post is just about the decorations/food...the party details will follow!

Ryne's Country Store...all the little buckaroos could grab a hat and fill up a goody bag with their choice of duck, silly banks, stickers, and cracker jacks.

The "Ryne's Country Shop" sign was made with quick and easy!

Jeremy did an awesome job of hanging the hats!

We had people enter through the gates so they were closer to the ponies!

Wet Yer Whistle...

Get Yer Grub...
Love how the banner turned out!  I should have taken a closer picture of it.  It was time consuming but Ryne loved it!

Sheriff Hippo helped direct party goers!  :)

I'm glad Ryne picked a cowgirl theme.  It was fitting for where we live now and alot of fun to plan!  :)

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