Friday, November 11, 2011

Am I four now??

The very first thing out of Ryne's mouth on her birthday was "am I four now"!  ha!  Call me crazy but she looks so much older!  Pa-Paw and Gi-Gi spent the night so we all hung out in Ryne's room so we wouldn't wake them up.  We watched Dumbo and played with mermaids!  :)

Reese is very into the movie!  lol!
After getting dressed we let Ryne find her presents from us.  She was super excited about the balloons!  ha!

Such a big girl on a big bike!

Love this silly girl!
All the gparents had to hit the road after watching Ryne ride her bike for a little while.  We enjoyed some quiet family time and then went to a movie.  We gave Ryne some choices and she picked Smurfs for the third time!  She loves that movie!  After the movie we headed home and ended up snuggling on the couch watching the first Toy Story.  It was a fun first day with our 4 year old!
Phoebe even enjoyed snuggling!

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