Monday, November 21, 2011

Just the girls...

Jeremy had to go out of town for a few days last week.  Us girls missed him so much!  It always gives me a greater appreciation for single moms when I play the role of single mom for a few days.  The girls were both great but we still missed the man of our house!  This was the first time he has been gone overnight since having Reese.  Bedtime was definitely the hardest.  Both girls go down about 8 and it is quite difficult to be in two places at once!  ha!

We stayed bust during the day.  We played at CEC, went to dance class, rented Rio, rode bikes, colored, played board games and logged many hours of pretend play! 

hanging out while mommy gets ready...

Ryne was excited to wear her rainboots and splash when we went to CEC!

I could seriously eat her up!

First CEC ride!

We were taking an iphone pic to send to daddy!  lol!

I was so happy when Jeremy got home LATE Thursday night.  The girls were excited to see Daddy Friday morning!  We survived and I didn't call the cops a single time.  Maybe I am growing up!  :)

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