Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ryne is 4 years old!!!

I can't believe that my baby girl is 4 years old today!  It seems like only yesterday I was holding that sweet newborn...delirious from being induced at 11am on Monday and finally meeting her at 5:29am Tuesday.  She was her own person then and still is today!  :)  I might have been a bit delirious yesterday when I about died laughing that the cowgirl hippo that directed people through the side gate was still on our porch at 6pm.  lol!

We had a cowgirl themed party and this little cowgirl had a blast!  I will post later about her actual party, but for is Ryne!

Of course she had to jump!  :)

She still looks like my baby here!

Not so much here though!  She is getting so grown up!

Ryne Michaela - you are such a joy!  You have the best personality and keep us laughing!  We are so thankful that God chose us to be your parents.  You are beautiful, crazy, sweet, passionate, smart, fun loving, care-free, and a little wild!  I love you just the way you are!  You make me see the beauty and joy in every day things.  You help me play more and worry less.  You make every day a thousand times better and bring so much joy in our lives.  You are the greatest big sister!  Such a helper and a giver!  Thank you for being you!  I love watching you grow and become the little lady God has designed you to be.  Just please don't grow up too fast! 

I love you all the way to the moon and back!

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