Tuesday, November 29, 2011

sweet sisters...

I cannot get over how different my girls are.  The look alike...in fact as fas as baby pictures go they are hard to tell apart.  Reese has a bit more hair (!), blue eyes, and has a fair complexion like her mommy!  Sorry baby girl!  But as far as personalities go they couldn't be more different.  Ryne is so energetic, funny, witty, strong willed, and determined. We joke around that even as a baby she was strong willed and therefor a high maintenance baby!  lol!  Reese is so chill and laid back.  She really does just love life and has a smile on her face most of the time.  She is just precious!  We love both our girls to pieces but God knew what he was doing in the order of their births!  :)  Ryne is a little leader and takes the role as big sister very serious.  Reese already looks up to her and gives her full attention when she is around.

Ryne wasn't done having her picture made so she jumped in front of the camera again!  lol!

Daddy came home and the girls were thrilled!
I love my girls so much!  I hope they grow up being best friends and continue to be for their entire lives.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

So much to be thankful for!

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all your blessings.  I am beyond thankful for my husband and two precious girls.  They make my life a million times better than I ever imagined.  I know I don't deserve all the blessings God has given me but I am truly thankful every single day.  You can't help but praise God and thank him when you rock a sleeping baby or say bedtime prayers with an inquisitive 4 year old.  My goal is to thank him even when my 4 year old is throwing a fit and my baby is crying.  Because even in those times I am beyond grateful that he chose me to be their mommy.

This Thanksgiving was even more special because of the addition of Reese AND Cameron.  Cameron is now officially a Martin!  We drove to Little Rock last Sunday because his court time was Monday at 8:30.  We knew driving in the morning of would be hard if not impossible and we for sure wanted to be there.  We got to LR around 3 and headed to the Hunts house.  The Sanders met us there too and it was great to get to visit for awhile.  The kids had a blast running around outside playing in the grape smelling bubbles!

 We stayed there until about bedtime and then headed to our hotel.  We had told Ryne that she could swim, and she was so excited about it that we let her stay up late for a little pool time.  Reese even dipped her toes in!  :)  Ryne was so funny about her swimsuit.  She did not like her belly button showing!  She even covered it when we passed a lady on the way to the pool.  She said "oh, I don't want her to see my belly button"...ha!  She might be becoming modest...which is a great thing!

 Ryne had so much fun swimming and it wore her out.  She was out in no time!  The next morning we got up early and headed to the court house.  It was POURING rain, but still an amazing day!  The Judge was so so nice, he really made it special for everyone.  I had told Ryne that she had to be super quiet and super still because of how special it was.  I also told her that a Judge was a police man's boss and she better behave! ha!  Of course he invited all the kids up to sit on his lap and after that Ryne wasn't scared of him!  I was taking pictures for Brad and Beth and my parents were helping with Ryne...she did pretty good staying somewhat calm!  :)

Reese just chilled!
 We all went to IHOP after for breakfast.  We had the place to ourselves for the most part.  The kiddos played while we waited for our food.  Thankfully it didn't take long because we had some hungry kiddos!  After that we went back to Brad and Beth's to visit for a little while longer.  The man of the hour (Cameron) was worn out and took a long nap.  Perfect sleeping weather!  We actually had to leave before he woke up but we were just so glad to be a part of his special day!

Once we left there we swung by the McNabs house for a little visit.  Myles is about 3 weeks older than Reese but we had never been able to see him.  So glad we finally got to meet Mr. Myles...he is such a cutie!  He just happens to be Reese's future husband, so other babies - hands off!  :)
Won't this be cute in their wedding video?!  lol!
We just got to visit for a little bit before we had to hit the road.  The weather was terrible and we had heard that NWA was going to get even worse.  We wanted to make it home before dark so at least we weren't trying to drive through the rain in the dark.  It is a good thing we left when we did because it rained on us about the last half of the trip and started pouring as soon as we got home.  

Tuesday and Wednesday were business as usual.  We went to Fun City Pizza and Dance Class.  My parents came up Wednesday and then on Thursday we all headed to Siloam Springs.  Our first stop was the Martin's side.  We were excited to see everyone, especially Grandma Martin!
Playing at Tom and Debbie's

Tom and Debbie have 4 horses...bet you can guess where we were most of the time!

This is the face I got when I told her we couldn't climb through the fence!  ha!

The oldest girl is Heidi, Ryne's 2nd cousin.  The other girl is Reese and the boy is Cooper.  Reese and Cooper are neighbors.

This was Grandma Martin's first time to meet Reese!
 Just because memories are made of stuff like this...
Reese had a major blow out...I mean MAJOR at the Martins.  So bad that it even got on Jeremy!  She had on the cutest outfit and this happened before I had taken a single picture of her cuteness.  :(  I had extra clothes for her, but none for J of course!  ha!  So he made a quick trip to the only place open for a change of clothes - Wal-Mart!

After we left the Martins we headed to the Bradfords.  Ryne had more cousins to play with and more horses to pet!  She even got to ride one bareback!  The guys all shot skeet while the girls sat around and talked.  It was a great visit!  I am so thankful for my whole family and the fact that both sides were so close in distance this year!  :)

Halli saying bye to "Reesie"!  :)
It was a great day spent with family!  We did missed J's side; but thankfully we will see them soon for CHRISTmas!

The rest of the weekend was spent being lazy, hanging out with my parents, doing some shopping, and putting up our CHRISTmas decorations.  I just love this time of the year.  CHRISTmas really is the most wonderful time of the year!

The lighting of the square...

We went downtown for the lighting of the square.  It was our first time and I know it will be an annual thing now.  Ryne loved it!  We counted down for the lights to turn on and that kicked off the parade.  Ryne had the best seat in the house (or square) on her daddy's shoulders! 

of course we had to get a glow thing!  :)

Looking for santa claus
It was a great way to start getting in the CHRISTmas spirit...even if it was before Thanksgiving!  ha!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Just the girls...

Jeremy had to go out of town for a few days last week.  Us girls missed him so much!  It always gives me a greater appreciation for single moms when I play the role of single mom for a few days.  The girls were both great but we still missed the man of our house!  This was the first time he has been gone overnight since having Reese.  Bedtime was definitely the hardest.  Both girls go down about 8 and it is quite difficult to be in two places at once!  ha!

We stayed bust during the day.  We played at CEC, went to dance class, rented Rio, rode bikes, colored, played board games and logged many hours of pretend play! 

hanging out while mommy gets ready...

Ryne was excited to wear her rainboots and splash when we went to CEC!

I could seriously eat her up!

First CEC ride!

We were taking an iphone pic to send to daddy!  lol!

I was so happy when Jeremy got home LATE Thursday night.  The girls were excited to see Daddy Friday morning!  We survived and I didn't call the cops a single time.  Maybe I am growing up!  :)

What would I do without my phone camera??

I am so terrible about taking pictures now.  Most of the time IF I do snap a picture, it's with my iphone.  Which explains all the iphone post...including this one!  :)

Amanda and Ella stayed with us one night last weekend.  Ryne and Ella had a lot of fun playing.  I think their favorite game was playing Dora and Boots and having Jeremy act like Swiper!  :)

Swiper no swipping!

Reese loves to scoot down until she is laying down in the tub...so cute!

Ryne went for her 4 year check up...when did my girl get so big?!
 After her check-up we went to Fun City Pizza.  Ryne had a blast playing on the slides and playing games.  Daddy played too and we ended up winning 629 tickets.  Oh yeah, big winners! :)

This pretty baby just hung out!
 Ryne is still loving dance class!  She is doing so well and really pays attention to what the teachers are doing.  She does have issues when they dance to the Arkansas fight song and has even told her teachers that she can't cheer for the Razorbacks!  ha!
 We went to the movies and watch Puss in Boots...Ryne calls it Cat in Boots!  lol!  It was a cute movie.  Reese was awake the whole time but was just happy to hang out. :)

Check out this cute tu-tu from Halli...We love it!

Baby sister during big sis's dance class

We made pilgrim hat treats for Ryne's KDO class.  Thank you pinterest!  :)
 Reese has recently decided that she loves the bumbo...especially when it is placed in front of a mirror!  She will just squeal and talk to herself, it is super cute!  She hangs out on the counter in the bathroom while I get ready in the morning.  Sometimes Ryne joins her!

Ryne was so tired in the car one day that she fell asleep mid sucker!
 Ryne loves "crafts" and got some cool "crafts" for her birthday.  She seriously wants to do crafts every single day!  It didn't take long for her to start on her birthday stash.

Painting a jewelry box...it turned out so so cute!

baking her shrinkidinks...fun!
We met a friend at the mall to eat lunch and play on the indoor playground.  Ryne was super excited because she saw one of her KDO teachers there.  She couldn't wait to tell Daddy all about it.  I can't tell you how much we appreciate her teachers.  Ryne loves them and looks forward to seeing them at KDO.

Ryne asked for braids!  :)
 Oh and we have put in lots of bike time!  This girl is loving her new bike!  She would ride all day every day.  She tries to jump on it any time we walk through the garage!  :)
Maybe my goal for 2012 will be to take more pictures with something other than my phone!  ha!