Thursday, May 19, 2016

End of the year for Reese...

Reese was the cutest 4 year old ever during her end of the year program.  She sang her heart out, did all the motions, and was so into it that she tripped once or twice!  ;)

selfie with my big girl!
look at her cute little "hi mom" wave!
Reese also had a really fun water day at school.  It happened to be super chilly, but the kids didn't mind too much!  ;)
 They also had train rides in the parking lot and I got to ride with Reese and her bestie - Matthew.

All the other kids were running around getting soaked and my girl was staying dry and a bit warmer by fishing!  
I can't believe the year is over!  Reese had a great few months of PreK and she is looking forward to coming back next year!

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