Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day weekend...

We got back from Hawaii on Friday afternoon.  We rolled up at the same time Ryne got home from school (a sweet friend brought her home every day while we were away).  We were so excited to see our girls!!  We visited with GranJan for awhile (who always does such an amazing job loving on our girls when we are away), then headed outside for some sprinkler fun!

 The next morning was Saturday…but Ryne treated me to breakfast in bed and this sweet little poem...

 we snuggled for a long time because jet lag.  ugh!
 then we were up, playing, putting together furniture, and making snow cones.  :)
 We tried to go to the pool but got their too late…so we played instead.

 The next morning I woke up to breakfast in bed again!  #spoiled
 We went to church (somehow didn't get an MD pic!), then hit the pool...

 I am so thankful for all my sweet little blessings this Mother's day!
It was such a great weekend loving on my girls and having sweet family time!

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