Friday, July 31, 2015

Last week in Oklahoma...

So our last week in Yukon was spent with a houseful of movers, plus roofers putting on a new roof, so that meant it was best for me to keep the girls out as much as possible.  That was fine because we had places to go and people to see!  ;)  On Monday we headed to downtown OKC to have some already notarized documents state certified.  We dropped them off and had about 30 minutes to kill so we walked around.  This building is beautiful!

Ryne was trying to match the statue!  ;)

 Next, we headed to Frontier City for some VERY hot fun!

 The Cockrell's met us there and Ryne loved having Jett to ride with!  and I apparently was too busy visiting that I forgot to take many pics!

 On Tuesday we headed to the Indoor Water Zoo.  It was our first time and the girls loved it!

sweet Hudson!

quick break…so let's take a selfie!
 That night I got to have a GNO with this chick…Karie!  ;)  We went downtown and enjoyed being kid free for a bit!
 On Wednesday we headed back to Frontier City, this time with the Graves girls!  The first ride was the log ride and Reese did not want to do that one!  So we hit up the carousel. Twice.

 Then we hung out.  waiting and waiting.  then we overheard them talking about the ride being stuck.  I got a little freaked out because Ryne and Zoey were on one and Karen and Demi were behind them.  It was stopped for about 30 minutes!

 When they finally got off (they had to get off and walk!), we were relieved!  So everyone hit up the carousel!
 then the birds...
 Reese loved it!
 Then they got to go to the front of the line once the log ride was fixed!
 We ducked out of the heat to watch a show...

 Then more rides...

 Ryne and Zoey are little daredevils!

 Then we were all hot again and ready to cool off...

It was a super fun morning/afternoon with all the girls!  That night we met the Manley's for dinner at...

 We have heard amazing things about Eischen's and wanted to try it before we moved.  It did not disappoint!  yummy!  Food was delish and the company was awesome.  Great night!

Then the next day was spent doing a few last minute things…and then hitting the road to Dallas!