Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's a good day to get muddy!

So this little princess woke up as a big 4 year old...
 ready to get down and dirty!
 We met up with the Hull boys to have some muddy fun!
 they were excited and ready to go!
 Reese and I stuck together at her pace.  Ryne and Cooper took off and Jeremy and Karie kept up with them!
 always time for a mud pit selfie!  ;)
 She needed some mommy cuddles during the run.  She isn't too fond of being dirty!
 but she loved climbing on stuff!
 this girl was ALL about it!

Reese was excited when we caught back up with the others (we may have skipped over 1/2 of the course!)...

 They were all so excited to do the muddy water slide...
 then Reese saw how muddy it was...
 so we told Karie to give her a little push...
 she was not happy!  lol!
I had to rescue her!

 Coop liked it!
 and Ryne LOVED it!  She did it like 5 more times!

 Yep, she loved it.

 We basically had to drag Ryne out!  She wasn't ready for it to end!  But then they crossed the finish line!
 So proud of my finishers!!

Way to go girls!

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