Monday, June 1, 2015

May fun...

May was full of fun outings, playing outside rain or shine, soccer and end of the year stuff.  It was a great month!

We met the Robbins at Gattytown for some rainy day fun!

 We stayed dried by watching a movie...

Reese needed some snuggles in the car line...

Ryne showed off her climbing skills!
 and Ryne looked fancy for some shopping...
 we posed by statues...

and did some window shopping...
 we enjoyed our 1st snow cones of the season!
 and hung out with GiGi and Uncle Jonathan!

 we flew some kites...

 made new friends...
 celebrated Ryne's 1/2 birthday!
 played with friends...

 became super heroes...
 had well check-ups...
 princess tea parties...
 played our last soccer game...
 made another trip to SS

 went on impromptu nature walks...
 and enjoyed the sprinkler!
except for the mud on Reese's face!  ha!
May was fun…can't wait to see what June brings!

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