Friday, October 31, 2014

Spirit Week and Monster Mash

The week of Halloween consisted of Spirit Week and ended with a cute little monster mash presented by Ryne's class.  :)
Monday was Red day…We noticed that Ryne doesn't wear much red!  We had one pair of leggings so that was what she went with!
 Tuesday - team day…she rocked her Yankee shirt and was the only one wearing a Yankees shirt!  lol! Better them than UT around her though!  ha!
 Wednesday was crazy bottom half day and I forgot to get a pic!  She wore some crazy leggings, two different crazy socks, and two different shoes.  :)

Thursday was cowboy/cowgirl day...
acting silly in my glassed while I braided her hair!
cute little cowgirl!
 Friday was 50's day!  
 It was also Halloween AND Ryne's class put on a Monster Mash during the morning assembly!

 They were SO cute!

Reese was nervous for sissy's performance!  

 Ryne did awesome!  It was so fun watching them!

 After our MM fun, Reese and I headed to CFA for some breakfast and playtime.  After that…it was full steam ahead for our super fun after school surprise!

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