Wednesday, October 1, 2014

September fun...

Oh what fun we have!  ;)  
We enjoy walking the trail to get to the park!  The park is pretty neat but OLD.  The girls love it though!

We met friends for lunch at CFA one day and the kid area was closed!  Yikes!  So we had about 5 kids doing this...
After lunch with friends and a quick nap it was time to pick up sissy from school!  We go somewhere probably 4 days out of the week.  I've noticed our evenings at home are much more enjoyable when we add in a little outside fun on our way home!  :)

 One morning I caught the girls doing this when Ryne was suppose to be getting ready for school. Dancing together…so sweet!

 Another day, another park!

 This girl LOVES pretending!

 and being crazy!

 hmmm…those pillows look a little weird!

 You know when you move you always have stuff you don't want in the new house.  This didn't make it on the new walls…but Reese wanted her picture with it!  ;)
 Love coloring with my little artist!

 Ryne and I had a little girl time shopping.  She is such a nut!
ice cream…yum!

Reese said she was shopping at Target and asked for popcorn!  haha!  Doesn't everyone know you can't shop at Target without getting popcorn?!
 Reese got to tag along on a much needed hair appt for mommy!  She was a perfect little angel!
 Sweet talks with Ryne after school.  We were discussing our favorite vacations.  :)
 Reese running free during soccer practice!
 another day another practice!

September came and went too fast!

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