Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekend trip to Arkansas...

We pulled Ryne out of school to get to Arkansas to celebrate my little brother graduating from college! On our way we made a detour though Fayetteville to see our old neighbors.  We loved seeing them and catching up for a bit!
Ryne thought this would be a fun way to ride!  ;)
 We met up with the Robbins girls at our old hang-out - Playtime Pizza!  The girls all had a blast and I loved seeing Reese and Lily really playing together!  I was so happy to see Liana again too!  I miss my sweet friend that was right next door!
sweet friends!

 After some fun there we met up with the daddies for dinner at Mojitos…yummy!  Ryne feel asleep before food even came out.  She was worn out!!
 But got her second wind for a little patio dancing!

my favorite picture like ever! lol!
silly girls!
 We said our goodbyes :( and headed back to the hotel where some sweet sisters snuggled and got calmed down for bed...
 The next day we headed towards Camden.  But first we made a pit stop in LR to meet up with some friends!  Ryne and Reese loved seeing their "girls" - Dakota, Presley, and Belle and their cute little brothers - Myles and Denton.  I loved meeting Belle's newest brother Baugher!  I really enjoyed catching up with Jaime and Katie too!  Love girl time!

We met up with my family in Sheridan for a yummy dinner to celebrate Jonathan!
cousin love!
love this momma's girl!

me and my bros!
the whole gang!
After dinner, I took the girls (and my parents) and we headed to Camden while Jeremy and Jonathan (and Brad) headed to LR for a guys night!  The next day was spent hanging outside, riding in the golf cart, playing at the park, and just visiting.

 I went on a run and ran into a group of crazies!  I love running in their neighborhood.  Lots of pretty trees!
 We picked up Sonic and headed to the park for a picnic.  The girls had so much fun!

Later on the guys got back and then the next day we headed back to Texas.  It was a pretty great trip!

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