Friday, May 23, 2014

Field Day!

We got to experience our very first field day!  It was so fun watching Ryne with all her little friends.  She was having a blast!
Ryne and Hayden…this little cutie is the one that showered Ryne with flowers, jewelry, and notes all year.  Sweet little puppy love!

 This ball was awesome!  The guys running asked if I wanted a turn and I so did! But no other parents were doing it so I passed.  Bummer!

 The kids would help push the rider down...
 and then watch out because the guys running it rolled to back super fast!

 After all that fun it was lunch time!

 We had so much fun!  It was nice just being there with my big girl!  After we left the school we headed to Pops and GranJan's to pick up little Reesie Pooh!  GranJan was nice enough to give Ryne one of her BIG flowers.
Another fun day!

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