Thursday, May 1, 2014

April fun...

April was full of a lot of random fun as well!  
cute little cheerleader!
little monkeys!
sweet stories after bath...
 Reese caught some kind of stomach bug.  Poor girl threw up all night long and spent the rest if the day like this...
 I hate when my babies are sick, but love those super sweet snuggles!
super fun McD's!
Mommy even got in on the fun!
Ryne had a BLAST at this gymnastics party for a classmate.  
Hibachi fun!  Reese wasn't a fan of the banging knives or fire…but loved the food!
Go Ryne!
Jonathan and Rebecca's shower gift!  It was a recipe party.  ;)
My circus performer!  She would say "thank you, thank you very much" after ever  act.  :)
poor Belle!
Non-uniform picture day for this sweet Kindergartner!  
Super fun day/night with fun friends!
Let it Go, Let it Go...

sweet big sis!

must have snacks for soccer practice!

because sometimes you just say yes to painting in your swimsuit at 9am.  :)
 We are loving the park again!  These crazy girls have a lot of energy to burn!

Ryne and Ryland playing hard!
Reese and her BFF Emmie...
acting like a puppy!
 The girls had their dentist appointments and Ryne did awesome as usual…still cavity free!  Woohoo!
 Reese was fine as long as she was on my lap...
 Not so much anytime I tried to get her in the chair or if anyone tried to look in her mouth!
 She did let them look in her mouth while I was holding her though.  Success!  ;)
 She had no problem letting Koala have a check-up!  ;)

hanging out at the dermatologist with mommy! 

I caught her trying to sneak some snacks!
More outside playtime!

 This girl will fall asleep anywhere when she is tired.  This was during a mom's club meeting while other kids were running around like crazy!

It's 5:00…stop working!  haha!
 Oh my…these loom band bracelets just might be the death of me!  ha!

love coloring with my girls!
 First Snow Cones of the season!  We all picked different ones and shared…so yummy!

my little bakers!

She wanted a banana.  I gave her one and she called Emmie! ha!
 I stole this pics from Facebook!  Look at my big girl at church!

She is in an accessory kick…I love it!
No month would be complete without CEC right?!

"ChuckECheese better not come near me"!

 I love this sweet little napper!

yep…it was after 6 on a Friday.  We were ready for him to be done!  ;)

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