Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ryne's a Kindergarten Graduate!

I can't believe how fast Kinder came and went!  My sweet girl had a fantastic first year of school!  They held their graduation and since it was her teacher's first year teaching Kinder we brought something for her very first graduation as well!  

 Ryne was so cute while they were waiting to go on stage.  She kept looking back to make sure we were still there!
 Reese kept herself entertained!

 getting ready to graduate!

naming off all her awards...

 When did she get so big??!

Little sis played musical laps...

 After they graduated they sang a few songs for us...

Reese wanted to get Ryne's attention so bad!

 After their cute program it was time for some pics…love it!

 Ryne loved Mrs. McCrary and will miss her tons next year!
 Ryne wanted her picture with a couple of friends...

 We are so proud of this girl!

her cheering section!
 After that is was home for a little celebration!

Happy graduation Ryne!  We are so proud of you!

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