Saturday, May 31, 2014

May fun...

We stayed busy with lots of random fun in May.  We are park, jump zone, backyard, movie, splash pad, pool junkies!

My girls love going to pick up from AdvoCare…they think it's yummy stuff!  :)
We had a date night through our church…woohoo!  Loved hanging out with some fun friends!

We shopped for some new swimwear and the girls could probably be heard all over the store!

Lots of bouncing fun with friends!

All that bouncing wore her smooth out!
Ryne has started loving hair accessories!
 and this girl loves our donut mornings!

 more fun with friends...

 picking up a cutie from school...
 loving SNOWCONES!!
 making silly hair!
 pushing buggies...
 attending weddings...

 and shopping until we dropped at Target!
 house hunting…HAS to have a storm shelter!

more fun with friends!

Celebrating our Military!
 and first swims….even though it was COLD!
 tea parties during doctor appts...
 Reese got a new big girl bed!!  Bye bye crib.  :(
 Pool time after school!
 sprinkler fun after school!
ice cream at Costco...

Soccer party to celebrate their UNDEFEATED season!

sweet sweet girl!

Tattoos with Jonathan!

more fun with friends!

Ryne put herself to work holding open doors and earned a $1 from a nice man!

Then they were ready for winter again!
Ryne and Reese decided to play music…and beg for $?!?!

Oh my crazy crazy girls and our fun May!