Saturday, February 1, 2014

fun, fun, fun

Every day is fun with my little family!  Maybe a little crazy, but always fun!  Here is a little fun from January...
love playing with this cutie!
On this day - Bible study, grocery shopping, kickboxing, dinner prep, lunch, and rocked a sweet girl to sleep... all by noon. Not too bad!  ;)

Ryne is obsessed with weddings.  OBSESSED I tell ya!  She watched the entire Bachelor wedding.  Twice.
playtime at McD's ended with Ryne hurting her knee and splitting open her leggings.  Reese kissed it to make it better!  
Nothing better than a baby in bubbles!
school time! First day back after Christmas break!
Reese calls this her sandcastle and makes at least one a week.  :)

I introduced her to Mary Poppins!  She didn't make it all the way through!
We met some friends at the Mall for some playtime.  Then we stayed for lunch and a little window shopping!
Fun walk and playtime after school!
Saturday donuts…need I say more?!
and every now and then we like to terrorize our children...

Poor girls didn't know what to think!  ha!

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