Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Recognize this?!  Ryne wore this for 2 Vdays actually!  Reese was pretty excited to sport her hand-me-downs!  :)

 Ryne was so excited to go to school!  She made goody bags and stuffed them. Helped bake cookies.  Helped with her teacher's gift and enjoyed making her Vday box too.  I saw some super impressive ones on FaceBook and Pinterest…thankfully Forney wasn't quite there yet!

 After we dropped off Ryne we headed to the donut store to pick up some treats for Reese's gym teachers.  Reese got a little treat too.  :)
 Then we came home to make more goodies!

 After that we went to school for Ryne's Vday party at school…her cookies were a big hit!

 Then it was time to go home!  On the way out a little boy ran and gave Ryne a rose!  He had only brought one for her so he had to sneak it…so sweet!  But I am so not ready for that!  lol!
 We had some good snuggle time after school and two little girls ended up getting a nap!
 until Belle decided that was enough!  :)
Pops and GranJan had us over for dinner to celebrate their 10 year Anniversary!  Reese was a big fan of the spaghetti!

It was a pretty great Valentine's Day!

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