Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The week before Disney...

About a month ago I started recording Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for Reese.  She loves Minnie!  Really all of them but Minnie is especially close to her heart.  Ryne picked out a Mickey and Minnie on her very first trip to Disney.  Reese keeps trying to claim them as hers!  I know one souvenir we will for sure be buying while we are there!  :)

Ryne was sweet and let Reese sleep with her Minnie and Mickey one night.  She did not want to give them up the next day and even held on tight during her morning diaper change!
When Daddy is gone both girls sleep in my room.  Ryne sleeps in my bed and Reese sleeps in the pack n play.  Reese starts out in her bed because I don't think she would just lay down in the pack n play and go to sleep as well as she does in her own bed.  She woke up before 6am so I put her in bed with us and she slept great until almost 8!  Ryne ended up waking her up but it was time anyways.  :)

Ryne came in during my work-out and put Star on my back...never a dull moment!

Reese is starting to be a little drama queen when she doesn't get her way!  She was trying to get outside and I wouldn't let her so this happened...
We do this at least an hour every single day.  Girl loves pretend with little animals!
Gotta stay hydrated when playing outside!
Reese climbed up in sissy's bed while we were playing.  I guess she was ready for nap!
Ryne and Reese were playing in Reese's room while I was folding/putting up clothes.  Ryne came and told me that she had put Reese down for her nap.  This is what I found...
big sis was super proud of herself!  She has even done it once more since then.  Now if only she could change diapers!  lol!
Tea party fun!
We had a busy week with Daddy being gone, soccer practices, KDO, and lots of running around to get ready for Disney World!!  It was a total surprise for Ryne and I will share all the details later.  :)

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