Thursday, May 30, 2013

We're going to Disney World!!

We decided to keep the trip to DW a secret until right before we left for the airport.  Partly because we knew that Ryne would drive us crazy with "how many more days" if we told her in advance, but also because I mean seriously how fun!  We headed to a hotel by the airport the night before we left and just told Ryne that we were tagging along with Daddy on his trip.  She didn't think a thing about it.  :)  The next morning we woke them up and gave Ryne the big news!  She was SO excited!  Reese didn't know what all the fuss was about and just wanted to go back to sleep!  ha!  
Happy girl took her own picture because she wanted to "remember" it!
After getting ready to go we headed down for a quick breakfast before catching the shuttle.  That was when Ryne got surprise #2!  Pops and Gran Jan were coming along!  We all got on the shuttle and headed to the airport.  Both girls thought the shuttle was super fun and Ryne even said it was her favorite thing about DW so far!  ha!
Reese in her cute hat that she picked out at Target!
Ryne in her cute hat that she picked out!
 We had an interesting time getting through security because they wanted Reese to stand by herself in the scanner with her feet basically in the splits and holding her arms above her head...yeah, that didn't happen!  Everyone around was like seriously??!  She's a baby!  ha!  So I had to wait forever with her while they opened up the old metal detector thing for us to go through.  Once we made it through the girls had to check out the planes!  Ryne was so excited and was trying to explain everything to sweet!

Getting on the plane!

 Reese kept dropping her little Minnie and Mickey just so she could get down and get them!  Little stinker!

 Both girls did amazing!  Reese fell asleep shortly after take off and Ryne just hung out watching the Ipad with some snacks.  Easy flight!
Once we landed we sat for awhile before we could get off so she made fast friends with a guy sitting behind her.  She talked to him non stop for about 15 minutes and he could not have been any nicer.  He ended up being a dancer on the main stage (castle) in Magic Kingdom so he gave us some good tips!  Once the plane turned off she saw Pops and Gran Jan and loudly yelled 5 rows back "I made a new friend"!  ha!  Love my little social butterfly!  :)
Ryne and Edward
Next up was the magical express...getting closer!
Reese isn't too sure about riding without a carseat but she warmed up to it!

Then we made it to our hotel!  Yay!  Reese was super excited because Mickey Mouse had left us a message on the phone!  She could have listened to it 100 times!  
Ryne was just happy to be there!

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