Thursday, October 25, 2012

Weekend with the Blacks!

The Blacks came in for a night and we had a great time! We weren't as crazy as we were before kids but did manage to have a respectable good time! :)  They got in Sunday afternoon and the kiddos jumped in playing right away!  We all hung out and ate dinner before heading to the main event...Kris Allen!
Kris puts on an amazing show!  I honestly thought that he sounded just as good if not better live.  Very impressive!  The opening band was pretty great too with their British accents!
The line to take a picture with Kris was way long so I snagged one with Kale!
We got home pretty late but our sweet hubbies had waited up for us.  :)  I so enjoyed the girl time!  We are trying to work on scheduling a repeat KA performance in November!  :)

The next morning was filled with lots of playing before they had to hit the road.  We miss our Arkansas buds!  Tucker looked at a map and seems to think he can drive here...we keep waiting for him to ring the doorbell!  :)

Later that day we had doctor appointments for both girls.  Ryne for her 5 year(!) and both for flu shot/mist.  It is a smaller clinic, which I like.  Ryne is still in the 60% for height.  She is getting so big!
After a successful doctor appointment we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things.  While there we had to browse through the Christmas stuff!  
It started raining pretty hard but stopped by the time we got home.  Of course that made some perfect puddles!  I let Ryne splash for a couple of minutes before heading in to the tub!
Jeremy and I both got our flu shots's hoping we can all stay well this year!

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