Thursday, October 25, 2012

Arkansas visitors!

Reese and GiGi
My parents came for a visit while Jeremy was out of town.  They brought along Jonathan and Rebecca, we enjoyed getting to see them! I was very thankful for the company while Jeremy was out of town.  They got in super late Friday night so the girls were excited to see them when they got up!  After breakfast we headed to Ryne's soccer game.  The Rhino's dominated!  :)  The rest of the weekend was filled with football, shopping, and eating!
Ryne and PapPaw painting some acorns.
We had two sleepy girls after they left, so we snuggled on the coach with popcorn and a movie!
The Tuesday after (October 16th) marked 19 years since my oldest brother died driver.  He was only 18 when he was taken from us.  We miss him every single day.  I put Reese in one of his shirts from when Michael was a baby.  I like to think that he gets to look down from time to time.  I know his nieces would be wild about him!

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