Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sucker taster...

Ryne brought home lots of candy from their fall party at MDO.  I let her pick out one piece and she chose a sucker.  Little Ms. never had a piece of candy in her life followed her all around in hopes that she would share.  Sissy snuck her a lick and it was all over after that!  She followed after her with her mouth wide open!  :)
I ended up putting them both at the table and giving Reese her own.  She was almost giddy!  :)

Huge sticky mess after a couple of minutes!  She didn't even make a dent in it but loved it so much!  I don't see us repeating this anytime soon though.  :)

Little photographer...

Personally I think she should be in front of the camera but when she gives me that sweet smile she can do whatever she wants! :)

What to do after MDO??

Up until this week we have gone to soccer practice after MDO. No practice this week so we took advantage of having our afternoon/evening open. We started out at the play area at Sonic, then headed to CFA for some more playtime and finished with dinner there. Fun afternoon with my girls! We ate early and pretty much had the place to ourselves. The people who work there are always so nice and friendly. It seriously makes eating out with two (alone) a breeze! They all got a good laugh when Ryne loudly burped and followed it with a sweet "excuse me" and uncontrollable giggles!
I love how annoyed Reese looks!
turning into a monkey herself!
the original monkey!
and that is why we wear shorts under dresses!
Early dinner time!
my silly little girl!
I'm pretty sure she just licked ketchup off of everything!  :)

Weekend with the Blacks!

The Blacks came in for a night and we had a great time! We weren't as crazy as we were before kids but did manage to have a respectable good time! :)  They got in Sunday afternoon and the kiddos jumped in playing right away!  We all hung out and ate dinner before heading to the main event...Kris Allen!
Kris puts on an amazing show!  I honestly thought that he sounded just as good if not better live.  Very impressive!  The opening band was pretty great too with their British accents!
The line to take a picture with Kris was way long so I snagged one with Kale!
We got home pretty late but our sweet hubbies had waited up for us.  :)  I so enjoyed the girl time!  We are trying to work on scheduling a repeat KA performance in November!  :)

The next morning was filled with lots of playing before they had to hit the road.  We miss our Arkansas buds!  Tucker looked at a map and seems to think he can drive here...we keep waiting for him to ring the doorbell!  :)

Later that day we had doctor appointments for both girls.  Ryne for her 5 year(!) and both for flu shot/mist.  It is a smaller clinic, which I like.  Ryne is still in the 60% for height.  She is getting so big!
After a successful doctor appointment we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things.  While there we had to browse through the Christmas stuff!  
It started raining pretty hard but stopped by the time we got home.  Of course that made some perfect puddles!  I let Ryne splash for a couple of minutes before heading in to the tub!
Jeremy and I both got our flu shots's hoping we can all stay well this year!

Cuddle bugs...

This makes my heart happy!

This n That

A bunch of random pictures of my girls being silly, sweet, cuddly and crazy!
Such a great big sister!
Somebody is ready for winter!
working together to make a plane!
cold front...better bundle up!
who needs a pretend baby when you have this little doll?!
yep, we worked every puzzle!
saying "bubbles"!
She was ready for a nap!  :)
She loves to grab food from the pantry! The bag is as big as she is!
There is a story behind this.  Ryne snuck a frog in the car when we were leaving Pops and GranJan's.  She ended up dropping it and we looked for awhile with no luck.  Well on the way home that little bugger hopped right on my foot!  I screamed like the girl that I am and about caused a wreck!  I made Jeremy pull over and get it because no way was I picking it up!  Ryne talked us into holding onto it (in a container) until we got home because she was worried about it getting hit by a car.  Once we got home she said goodbye and let it go in our flower bed.  Who still thinks that we need a boy?!
Reese loves to feed the dogs one little piece of food at a time!
wants to be big like Sissy!
I LOVE snuggle time with these two sweeties!
Cheering for Sissy!
She is a crazy good whistler and is loving "My Weakness" by Kris Allen!
She wanted to make decorations for her bug party!  :)