Monday, January 11, 2016

Shen Yun...

Jeff and Diane treated us to an amazing play/show in Dallas.  We were so excited because it was all Chinese dance.  We got to their house in time for lunch and relaxing on the porch before heading to the play.
Reese loves sitting and listening to the pool!
 We took two cars because Jeremy and Jeff were going to a hockey game after.  The girls were super excited...

 and they were both memorized during the show...

 After the play we went to the Mall for the girls to use one of their giftacrds from Poppy and GranDi…BuildABear!  The girls loved picking out new friends!

 The boys headed to their game while we finished up at the mall.  Then we grabbed dinner at an amazing hole in the wall burger joint before heading home to get these tired girls in bed.

The next day Uncle Lance came over for Christmas.  We opened gifts, ate lunch, and then hit the road. The girls got American Girl gift cards from Lance, Poppy, and GranDi and Ryne got one from Santa too…so they were dying to spend them!

 Ryne picked out Leah...
 and Reese got some twins!

They had so much fun looking around and picked out a few accessories.  They have their eyes on several more though!

Then we visited the little bakery and hit the road back home.  It was a really fun weekend!

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