Friday, January 1, 2016


We had so much fun NYE!  We started the day with a trip into Houston to visit the Chinese play place. They girls LOVED it!

 They played their little hearts out!  Then we headed home to get ready to go to the Brewer's house for NYE dinner and fireworks.  The kids had fun eating and playing inside but it didn't take them long to want to go pop some fireworks.

 It started raining a bit while we were out there…but that didn't stop us!
 We enjoyed hanging out and the kids played so well together!  We headed home around 10 and settled in to watch the ball drop...

I may or may not have been the only one that made it up until midnight!  ;)  Happy New Years!  We are so looking forward to what 2016 holds.  2015 was amazing…but I think 2016 will be even better!

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