Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My little Reese started school!

Oh my goodness…heart broken but so proud at the same time.  My little started a two day a week Pre-K!  She was a little hesitant, but excited too.  She happened to start in PJ day…awesome right?!
 We started the day with a cinnamon melt...
 Then we headed to school!  We had already met her sweet teacher (she actually added a spot just for Reese), so that helped.
I gave her a quick hug and kiss and told her I loved her and then bolted before she saw me cry!  I had to stand in a corner in the hallway to compose myself because I'm sure I looked like a basket case!  She did so so great though!  I had a friend check on her shortly after I left…and then I called up there after lunch, and she was doing great!  She was excited when I picked her up and she told me she missed me.  I know I missed her! 
We picked Ryne up from school shortly after and this was her "walking"…she just wanted me to hold her…so I did!  ;)  I melt for this big pre-k girl!

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