Friday, October 2, 2015

September fun...

September was full of fun!  These girls keep us busy but we wouldn't have it any other way!
 Sometimes, you just have to wear a cape to watch your sister play soccer...

 We got to check out our neighborhood pool and we loved it!  I just know we will be there a ton next summer!

 Ryne wanted to wear this shirt to support a friend that was in China meeting her daughter for the first time!  LOVE!
 We enjoyed some baking...

 lots of playing outside...

 Reese spent lots of time at the soccer games under the umbrella!
 we hung out with friends...
 we visited Poppy's station...

 took two pups to the vet...

 played outside some more...
 napped in weird places...
 wrote letters to Santa about a broken trampoline!

 being silly!
 enjoying new Sunday after church hang-outs...

and trying on possible Halloween costumes...
 We also did a little redecorating to give Ryne a "Big Girl" room.
 and we enjoyed a girls movie day!

September was a blast and went by way too fast!

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