Monday, October 19, 2015

Girls weekend...

Jeremy's friends - Griff and Manley came up for their annual guys weekend…so we made it our girls weekend!  We tried to stay out of their way by staying busy!  :)  First up, yummy Panera on Friday!

 Saturday we got ready for some fun!  I made lots of game day snacks for the boys before we left.  Ryne got dressed up and then said "I feel kinda bad because I'm dressed so much cuter than you"!  ha!  I told her that I didn't care, but she opted for comfy clothes instead.  She did let me take a quick pic though!  ;)
 Of course Reese needs one too!
 Our first stop was CEC…so they dressed up!
cutest fox and butterfly ever!

 After CEC we went shopping and bought some fun Halloween decor and a hammock!  Then we headed to dinner and a move and the Movie Grill.  The girls are hooked and now are spoiled to getting pizza and milkshakes while watching a flick!
We beat the boys home and I got the girls in bed before crashing myself.  The next day the guys pulled out shortly after breakfast.  We all enjoyed our girl and guy time!

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