Friday, October 2, 2015

Cruisin' with the Blacks...

Yay for cruises with friends!  We were so excited to get to vacation with our good friends and we had an absolute blast!  They came in the night before, so we got the boat vibe going...
Yep, that's as creative as we can be with towels!  ;)

The next day we were off to Galveston to jump on the boat!

 We suffered through the safety briefing and then headed to dinner...

The first day was a sea day and we had fun but took no pictures!  But the next day we stopped in Progresso and headed out to do some cave swimming...

 It was a LONG drive, but we saw some cool stuff.  :)

 When we got there we were met with this...
 We suited up and started the walk to the cave...

 The caves were beautiful!  After exploring and swimming we went back up for lunch and a little entertainment...
 Food was delicious as was the Mexican Coke!  Super sweet.
 We were able to walk around and shop some homemade booths.

 It takes this guy about a month to make a hammock!

 After Jeremy grabbed a quick selfie with the dancers, we were back on the bus.  We all slept most of the way back!
 Aren't we all so sweet?!

 The next day was super fun!  We spent the day in Cozumel, zip lining and hanging out...
 All geared up and ready to go!

 The monkeys made it SO much fun!  They kept us laughing the entire time!

 Next stop was lunch!

 We had the best time just hanging out.  There was a pool and beach access so there was really no need to leave!  ;)

We headed back to clean up for dinner and barely made it to the boat before it left!  Yikes!
Josh was MIA that night so our sweet waiter stepped in!

 The next day was another boat day, so no pictures!  But that night was KB birthday and they sung to her!  She was super happy about that!

 We spent the evening hanging out and watching the "Blood Moon"...

And just like that it was time to go home!  We had a great vacation with our friends!  We go way back and miss them so much.  It was great to getaway with them!

Thankfully I came home to these sweet girls!  I missed them so much!

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