Friday, June 6, 2014

Ryne's last week of Kinder...

We went BIG on Ryne's last week on school.  I enjoyed lots of one on one time with Reese and made sure we had lots of fun after school pick-up!
this girl LOVES picking flowers! She was in heaven when I let her go crazy on an empty lot.
 Ryne lost another tooth!!
 On Monday we pulled out the slip-n-slide...

 On Tuesday, Reese and I had to take some stuff to Jeremy in Grapevine.  While we were there we jumped on the opportunity to eat at Rain Forrest Cafe…shhh…don't tell Ryne!
 Reese loved the animals until they moved, then she did this...

 After school we headed to the pool!

 On Wednesday we brought Brooke home with us!  The girls LOVED running to the car together!  :)

 We did a little art...

had some crazy bubble and water fun...

 had a little ice cream...
 walked ALL the babies...

cute little tush!
 and drove like wild women!

 Ryne had a half day on thursday, so Reese and I barely squeezed in fun with friends at the Splash Pad...

 Came home with a silly and sleepy girl just long enough to change and pack bags...

Then we picked up Ms. Brooke and Ryne, grabbed lunch from Sonic, and headed to the ZOO!!
 These 3 monkeys had a blast checking out the Zoo together...

poor Brooke was not a fan of the birds!
this bird wanted to come home with us!

I think the elephants are this way!
 Train rides for all!

 I let the girls each pick out a souvenir to remember our fun day!  :)
All the girls were SO good and it was a really fun day at the Zoo!

The next day was Friday and Ryne's LAST day if KINDERGARTEN!!!!  Crazy how fast the year went by!

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