Thursday, June 26, 2014

Reese is turning 3!

I can't believe our precious baby is turning 3!  She is pure sunshine and joy and we could not love her more!

Doing a little dance...

 She is our flower child!  She loves to pick them and we often have bouquets around the house! :)


Some fun Reese quotes -
"What that mean"…she says that about pretty much everything!  ;)
"Thank you, thank you"…after doing a circus performance on the foot rail of the bed.
"I want some milk.  I'm going to say that again.  I want some milk" (repeated in a much deeper and more serious voice!
"What's the big deal guys"
"I want to ride that, it's the perfect size for me"…talking about a HUGE roller coaster!
Kalala bears…I adore how she says Koala!
"So cute and so stinky?!?"…in response to me saying she was so stinkin' cute!

She is so funny and witty!  We love hearing the stuff she comes up with!

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