Friday, June 6, 2014

Ryne's last day of Kinder!

Ryne's last day of Kinder was just all fun!  She was all smiles heading out for her very last day!

 Little sis with the crazy bedhead wanted in on the pictures too.  :)
 We were able to join her a couple hours later for some fun last day activities!

 Ryne will miss Mrs. McCrary so much next year!  She was very blessed to have her as her very first teacher!
 We love giving gifts through-out the year to Ryne's wonderful teachers…here was her very last present!
Ryne and Reese had little "yay it's summer" bags waiting in the car for them!  ;)

I still can't believe how fast the year went!  Ryne had grown and changed so much.  She is turning into such a precious and fun-loving little lady!

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