Monday, June 30, 2014

Reese's "Bubble Guppies" Party!

Reese loves the Bubble Guppies, so we thought a pool party would be perfect for our wannabe mermaid!  :)  We reserved the clubhouse and it was the perfect place to celebrate our little one turning 3!

We accepted donations to the Children's Hospital instead of gifts.
 The goodie bags were stuffed with bubbles, "Reese" cups, and a Bubble Guppie cookie.  Guest also got to pick a squirter and noodle…the squirters kept things interesting!

 Don't forget to lather up!
 The main food area…chips, "guppie dogs", and veggie tray.

 Then the sweets table consisted of...

The birthday girl wanted to dig into that cake! 

 The kids had a blast swimming, playing, and eating!

Ryne and one of her BFF - Brooke!

 She kept squirting Gi-Gi!  She was a good sport about it!  :)

get this kid in modeling!  Bram is too cute!

 Now it's cake time!  I am pretty sure this was the highlight for all the kids!

 except Reese who didn't want to get out of the water!  ha!

that face cracks me up!

 Then back to swimming!
 Thanks to everyone that came and helped celebrate!  We had quite the crowd and it was a blast!

After that we headed home so Reese could open up her presents from us and the gparents.  Believe me, that was MORE than enough!

LOVE!  Reese was thanking Ryne for her gift.  :)
 The rest of the weekend looked kinda like this...

all the great donations!
Shortly after we went to the Children's hospital to drop off donations.  The girls loved it!

star gazing...
 We ended with a trip to Sweet Frog.  Ryne had colored a picture for them and was so excited when they hung it up.

All in all in was the perfect way to celebrate our sweet girl turning 3!