Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The big 3-1! Yikes!

31...wow!  I can remember a time when 31 seemed so OLD!  Now that I am here...gotta say it still seems really old! ha!  I have never been a huge fan of my birthday so I decided to do something to make me feel a little better about it.  I pinned an idea on pinterest awhile back and thought it was the perfect way to spend my birthday.  The original blogger did an act of kindness for every year of her life.  So Sunday was spent doing 31 random acts ok kindness.  It was such a great day made even better by being able to share it with my family.  Ryne was my big helper and loved doing nice things everywhere we went.  

Here is a run down of how the day was spent...

First, I let J sleep in while I got up with the girls.   
Then we left for church early because we had several stops to make on the way. The first one was to pick 3 random houses to leave flowers (2) and a garden cross.  I let Ryne pick and then we had to be really sneaky.  She loved that!  :)
I let Ryne paint the pots.  She loves to paint!
Our next stop was to hide presents around the park.  We had 3 small gifts bags that we hid in random places.  There were only a few kids there so I think we were able to do it without being to obvious!
We also dropped off some stamps at the post office.  
We paid for the next person in line at Sonic...sneaky sneaky!  :)
Then we headed to the police station and fire station to deliver cookies.

We took a break to head to church.  Reese cried, like always.  :(
After church we dropped of some diapers/wipes at random changing stations for some poor frantic mom that realizes too late that she is out of diapers or wipes!

Then we headed to Dollar Tree.  They had a bunch of run away carts so we rounded them up before heading in the store.  While getting all the buggies where they needed to be Ryne found a dead bird.  She was very concerned with why it didn't move when she nudged it with her boot.  Eww!
Once inside Dollar Tree Ryne was super sneaky and hid some dollars in the toys.  

Our next stop was a hospital.  While there we put games in waiting rooms, baggies of change on vending machines, and handed out treats to nurses, security officers, starbucks girl, and random people in the waiting room.  One lady asked if we were taking donations for something!  ha!  The starbucks girl was super surprised and actually teared up.  Then she traded Ryne for a cupcake.  That made Ryne's day!
Love these little cowgirls!

The treat bags
Yep...one happy girl!
Reese wanted something from the vending machine!  :)
We took a little break for naps/quiet time and then went back to the park to pass out popsicles.  The box was gone in no time!
Then we headed to meet Pops and GranJan for dinner.  We had bought a groupon for Brazil Brasilerio and were excited to take them.  It was not near as good as other Brazilian places we have been.  Thank goodness we saved 30% with the groupon!  :)  It didn't seem like they had enough workers and service was super slow!  BUT we still left a hefty tip to round out our day.  We also dropped of little goody bags filled with busy stuff for kiddos who might be stuck waiting as long as we did!  :)

I also made "blessing" bags to pass out to homeless people or to just leave where somebody in need could find them, but we were not able to get that done.  They are currently in the trunk until we can find somebody who can use them.

We all enjoyed doing random things for other people.  I think it will be a birthday tradition every year!  I also want to make a point to do a RAK on a regular basis.  Ryne got up yesterday and said "So what nice thing are we going to do for somebody today".  That really made me think that this should be a daily thing.  You never know what a small gesture might mean to somebody.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool way to spend your birthday- giving to others. Love all of your fun ideas:)
