Sunday, September 9, 2012

Leaving two huge pieces of my heart behind...

It is cruise day for Jeremy and I. I am looking forward to the alone time but so very sad to be leaving my girls for the week. I got up early this morning because I wanted to be completely packed and ready before the girls got up. Reese finally woke up about 6:45 and I was so happy! I held her and rocked her and just bawled! I have never left her for more than a couple of hours and a week seems like such a very long time! And Ryne...I am going to miss that girl so much! I asked her who was going to make me laugh while I was gone and she said we would just have to make videos of her being silly! :) I am already missing them both and have cried off and on all day including standing in line waiting to get on the boat! Jeremy just might throw me off the boat if I don't quit pointing out all the cute kids. I'm just missing my girls so much! I know they are in good hands though. :)

I left the girls with presents for each day. Ryne was super excited about that. She might want us to go away more often! Lol!

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