Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October randomness...

October flew by!  It was a busy month, but aren't they all?!
This came home from school and it cracked me up!  Good to know the important part of her summer was documented!  lol!
 Mornings around here can be rough!  Every time I try to make a bed there is a kid in the way!  ha!

 some days you have to drop everything and just snuggle the boy...

 bubbles make baths more fun!
 Cutest preKer ever!
 Love this kid!
 even when this is how he is 90% of the time in the car...
 Park for the win!
 Cute little bed hog!
 crazy driver!
 I asked Jeter what happened and he said "dogs"! Yeah, they were nowhere around!  ha!

good ortho appt = frozen yogurt!  ;)
 Our little guy had to have a minor surgery.  He did great but it was so hard to see him so upset when they took him and then again while he was waking up.  :(

 He couldn't be unsupervised so I got to watch him nap!
 all smiles when he woke up!
 Tired kids after a soccer game!
 baking treats is almost as fun as eating them!  ;)
 It's still hot...so ice cream for the win!

 Ah...my poor boy fell at CFA and busted his sweet head open.  So we spent a couple of hours at the ER.  So thankful that Katie was a CFA too and could take Reese home with her.  
 He was seriously so brave and tough.  Poor guy!
 The next day we went to Reese's school carnival...

 Then Ryne had super hero day!
 and I got to drive to LR for a girls night!  Reese wanted me to wear this bracelet to remember her!  
 Kristen and I had the best time going to dinner and then the Kris Allen concert...

 Then it was lots of girl talk at the hotel.  I had to leave before lunch to head home but it was a great break with a great friend!

On Sunday it was pancakes for dinner...yum!
 Another busy month!  Some not so great moments...but lots of sweet and special times!

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