Friday, November 11, 2016

Eye surgery day...

We've anticipated and prayed over this day for awhile.  Our little guy is having surgery to remove a cataract that is taking up almost all his vision in his left eye and replace it with a lens implant.  Surgery is scary anytime...but eyes seem so fragile!  We were up and there before the sun even came out.  We had to wait for a bit and were very thankful for Barney!

 Once we were in the room her knew something was up.  They gave him some "tipsy juice"...and I can tell why they called it that. 
 He was so giggly!  Precious little boy!
 The surgery took a little over an hour.  He had a hard time waking up and would cry until he fell back asleep.  That was super hard to see.
 It took us a long time to leave.  Once we made it out of the surgery center he flipped out when we tried to put him in the car so we walked around the parking lot for about 30 minutes (with my bum knee!).  We finally got him somewhat settled but it was a long drive home for our sweet boy.  Thankfully he crashed for most of the day.  Sleep was the best thing he could do.  So I held him while he slept.

My parents were such a big help!  They took Ryne to school and stayed at home with Reese until we got home.  They left a little after lunch to head back to Camden.

That afternoon we had to go back to the eye doctor to have his bandages removed.  He handled it so well!  He seemed to get most of his energy back after that!

 We had to keep the shield on for a few days and he handled it so well!
 He still played and the hardest thing was trying to keep him from running and jumping!

 We went back to the eye doctor (our 2nd home! ha!) at the end of the week and they said no more shield during the day...yay!  

Now we will start patching the "good" eye for a couple hours a day to give his left eye alone time with his brain.  So far Jeter is handling it all like the little warrior he is!  So proud of this boy!

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