Saturday, October 1, 2016

September Randomness...

September was busy!  We had to get into our back to school groves, start soccer for Ryne, and Jeremy was gone about 1/2 the month so I had to figure out the "single mom" thing!  It made me even more thankful that him traveling so much isn't still our normal.  ;)
 This Momma's boy loves to be carried.  So sometimes we break out the Boba to cook dinner!  ha!
 he also loves to drive!
 Soccer is a bot more difficult this year.  Jeter just does not like to sit, so I am constantly chasing him while trying to watch my Ryne and make sure Reese is okay too.  Yikes!

 We celebrated Sam turning 8!

 I was thanking for Mitch's help in wrangling Jeter!

 He fits!
 Jeter and I like to make the most out of our days alone...he got to experience a solo mall trip on this day!
 snuggles are the best!

 school projects...
 We think Fall may be near...we're hoping anyways!

 Soccer game...
 Not happy about sitting instead of running on the field!  Goodness he can pitch a fit!  
 But he loves this guy!
 and back rubs...
 Reese pit together a fashion show...
 just cute...
 Daddy had his district meeting that he had to set up for, so Jeter and I stopped by to help...
 soccer practice fun?!?!
 not so much!
 but I do love this smile!
 he fits again!
 mommy son bagel date!
 shopping with this girl is never boring!
 Love this soccer star!
 sporting her new rainbows!

 WII fun!
 Park fun...
 shopping fun!  ;)
 sweet girl!
 One day Jeremy was working from home so Reese and I snuck out during Jeter's nap for some one on one time!

 Love this precious girl!
 September was a doozy!  But we survived and even had some fun!

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