Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

We enjoyed Halloween so much this year!  We went to the Fickey's for dinner followed by Trick or was a blast!  
cutest Aladdin ever!
Reese wanted to be of course she needed an Aladdin!  The cuteness!

Ryne is way to grown-up for coordinating costumes!  She went with a flower child.

 the trick or treaters...
The kids had the best time getting all kinds of good candy.  Jeter figured it out really quickly!  He may go door to door more often now...boy loves candy! 

Bonus...I laughed so hard when I found this on my phone later!  Love this crazy girl!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

My sweet little girl...

I was able to sneak away with my little princess for some one on one time.  I let her pick what we did and she opted to paint.  I love spending time with this sweetie!
 Then Ryne had a skating party to I took Reese for some skate time as well.  We had the best time skating a playing games!  

 We even caught up with this girl a couple of times!  ;)
 Reese didn't want to race with her age...she wanted to be with the big kids!

I love my girls and cherish any time I get alone with them!

Friday, October 21, 2016

School fun!

We were up at Ryne's school for lots of fun stuff this month.  First up...Fun Run!  It was a crazy hot day!  We were burning up just watching the kids run!  Reese was at PreK...but Jeter was ready to cheer her on!

 Until he realized he couldn't kick his ball into the runners area!
 Ryne did so good! She was pretty sociable...but it was so hot, I understand wanting to talk and walk rather than run!  ;)
 Next up was the storybook parade.  Ryne wanted to be girlie so she opted for a Fancy Nancy...she nailed it! ;)

This was a morning right after school started...
 Ryne wanted to be girlie so she opted for a Fancy Nancy...she nailed it! ;)
 Later that week it was parent teacher conference.
 Jeter was obsessed with this dog!  He kept hugging it and would get mad if anyone else tried to touch it!  ha!

Ryne had a great report from her teacher!  So proud of that girl of mine!

Monday, October 17, 2016

When daddy is gone...

We go to CEC apparently!  lol!  Jeremy had a boys weekend so the kids and I stayed busy.  On Saturday we went to Ryne's soccer game and then headed to CEC.  If you dressed up you got free of course that's what we did!  ;)

 Jeter danced with the mouse this time!

 Once we got home it was time for Jeter's nap.  While he napped, I started painting the laundry room to surprise J! About 3 hours into it I may have been questioning that decision!  ha!  But I had a pretty sweet little helper (Reese) and we managed to get most of it done before we ran out of paint.

 The next day was spent with lots of snuggling!  The hardest part of being a single mommy of 3 kids is when they all want their backs rubbed at the same time!  lol!

 ah...later I got to rock this sweet boy to sleep!
 Then a friend texted that she had heard through a friend that her house was rolled!  She asked if  had seen it, but we hadn't left the house at all that day.  So we drove over to find this...

 Amateurs!  The girls and I had it cleaned up in about 10 minutes!  I didn't want it to rain and be impossible for them to get down the next day.

Shortly after we got home Jeremy arrived!  Yay! We missed the man of the house.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Remembering Michael...

October 16th is the anniversary of my brother Michael's death.  I don't know why he was taken from this world so soon...but I do know he is greatly missed by all he left behind.  I put one of his baby shirts on Jeter on his anniversary.  I hope Micheal has been able to look down on his newest nephew.  

Friday, October 7, 2016

Trampoline Park fun...

We found out that a trampoline park had 5 and under only I took the littles one day while Ryne was in school.  Shhhh!  We had so much fun and I didn't have to worry about them getting run over!

 Jeter loved the area with slides and tunnels!
 They also had a ninja course...

 which was done all wrong but super fun!

 This girl was full of tricks!

 and little brother followed right behind!

We had the best morning!  All the running around led to some pretty good naps too!  ;)