Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Staycation...part 2

Our second outing way to the Houston Children's Museum.  This was Jeremy and Jeter's first time to go and the girls were excited to show them around!
 First up...a little show.  Jeter was very into it (which means very vocal.)
 In the City area there are lots of cars.  Jeter and his car loving self was pretty happy!

 The did some shopping...

 worked their waitressing jobs...

 then we explored other parts...

 this guy snuck in a nap...

 the climbing net thing is a favorite!

 After Jeter woke up I decided to take him to the 2 and under area.  He loved it and made a new friend!  ;)

 Once we had all the fun we could handle we went to the Mall for Rain Forest Cafe!
 Jeter was in a super silly mood...

 then the animals and storm started!  He climbed in my lap so fast!  ha!'s over!
 let the silliness continue!

 These girls played so sweetly...
 We did a little shopping after...such a good daddy!

 then we found a play area!  Jeter went nuts for the car cart and someone was done with theirs so they gave it to us.  Super nice!  We pushed him over to get a yummy treat...

After enjoying our desserts it was time to head home.  The next day we realized that we had left Jeter's shoes at the mall!  So so sad...loved those chucks!  Still a really fun day though!

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