Monday, August 1, 2016

July fun...

July was super busy!  Life with 3 kids can be chaotic...but it's pretty great too!

Jeter got a faux hawk!
 we all enjoyed Ikea!

 We got to judge the Fickey's cupcake wars...
 Jeter was a fan!
 Life with sisters!
 lots of park time...
 and afternoons spent playing the Wii
 slip in slide almost daily...
 but messy!
 mom and daughter facials!

 snacks all day every day!

 when you have a little brother, you just may have to hide in the pantry to enjoy a treat!  ;)

 Jeter tried so hard to fit!

 more Dr appts!
 quite afternoons out of the heat!

 yoga anyone?!
 fun at the orthodontist!
 a little workout with daddy!

 3 monkeys on a bed!

 Reese set up the horse and Phoebe snuggled right up!
 I figured out that Jeter falls asleep super fast if I wear him and walk on the treadmill!  ha!  I would walk until he fell asleep and the slowly lay him in our bed, re-snuggle him until he fell back to sleep, then slip out.  It was a process!
 That went on for a few weeks until one day he let me rock him and lay him down in his bed!  So stinkin' sweet!
 Then he went to bed in there at night!
 lots of Target runs...
 more groceries...I think Jeter's face says it all!  ;)
 J started softball!
 Ryne channeled her inner cat!
 We found some new chips that Jeter loved!
 and I got use to rocking my boy!
 Lots of special bonding moments...

 a maybe a few fits.  
But overall a pretty great month!  Maybe August will slow down!  ;)

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